The tort law is one type of civil litigation. It enables an injured person to file a claim for compensation from the individual or entity liable for an accident. For example, you may have
suffered from injuries and have experienced financial losses due to these injuries. In this scenario, you are eligible to claim for compensation for your losses from the at-fault party that is
responsible for your accident and injuries. A
personal injury lawyer in Scarborough specializes in tort law. The primary objective of a personal injury lawyer is to help their clients (injured claimant/plaintiff) recover
financial compensation from the at-fault party (responsible for an accident). This process is known as making a claimant whole again for the financial losses.
The victims of any type of personal injury accident are supposed to recover three types of compensatory damage from a defendant, such as pecuniary damages, non-pecuniary damages and punitive
damages. However, a victim is supposed to recover the pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage in most scenarios. The punitive damage is offered in special circumstances in order to discourage others
from committing a similar type of offense. The pecuniary damage is paid to a claimant for all types of present and future expenses resulting from an accident. For example, an injury lawyer in
Scarborough can recover pecuniary damages for all types of out-of-pocket expenses resulting from a claimant’s medical treatment, therapy and loss of income. A claimant may suffer from these
losses after an accident.
You may even become unable to earn as much as before the accident due to physical incapacitation resulting from the injuries. In this scenario, an experienced injury lawyer in Scarborough can
recover compensation for the loss of future and present income. This type of compensatory damage is categorized as pecuniary damage. The non-pecuniary damage is difficult to calculate, as it is
difficult to add value to a victim’s physical pain or emotional sufferings. However, an experienced lawyer can efficiently perform this task.
An injury lawyer in Scarborough can also recover punitive damages from a defendant for a claimant’s losses. It is also known as exemplary damage, as it is offered to a claimant in exceptional
circumstances. This type of damage is not supposed to compensate a claimant/plaintiff. It is supposed to punish an at-fault party and is supposed to deter others from committing the same type of
negligence. Punitive damages are offered to a victim if a defendant’s action is regarded as vindictive/harsh/malicious/reprehensible in nature.
In some scenarios, an injury lawyer in Scarborough consults with the experts of different fields of profession. For example, a personal injury lawyer may consult with economics experts to learn
about the severity of a victim’s financial losses due to suffering from the injuries. A lawyer may even consult with the physicians who treated a claimant in order to learn about the severity of
his/her physical limitations or the need for treatment in the future. To read more Click Here